9th & 10th graders

Early on in high school is the best time to learn and explore

Starting off strong means building self-awareness, having a plan to make the most of high school, and previewing the fundamentals of applying to college. Early preparation is the key to reducing stress by developing a clear sense of who you are, your values and strengths, and envisioning what qualities will make a best-fit college for you.

Let’s calm the chaos together. Check out the FAQs to learn more.

Whether students start working with me in 9th or 10th grade, we meet one-on-one (in person or via Zoom) and explore these and more pre-college planning essentials:

  • academic and extracurricular guidance and planning, so you can make the right choices that align with your college and future goals

  • discovering distinctive strengths, skills, and personal qualities, so you can build an authentic and grounded college plan

  • understanding colleges and embarking on the research process, so you can build college knowledge and explore lots of options

  • exploring college majors and careers, so you can begin to envision what your future path might look like

  • making the most of high school with college in mind, so you can be ready and confident to apply to college

  • Plus updates and valuable college admission resources for parents

Ready to get a head start on the college planning process?

I will guide you through the pre-college planning essentials that build college knowledge and help you make the most of high school with college in mind.